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River basin: Spree, Dahme und Berste

  • Flood reports

    Currently no flood warnings.

    Archive: Flood reports

  • Daily measurements

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    Hydrological measurements are raw data. All times are given in CET. These may contain measurement errors or be completely absent in the event of technical failures. Flood warning levels are highlighted in different colours. They are normally green. If alarm levels are exceeded, they are colored in yellow, orange, red or violet depending on the alarm level. With the help of favorites, an individual selection of gauges can be displayed in the tables and the map of the river area. Please note the disclaimer and terms of service.
    * Kilometers on the waterway, otherwise kilometers according to meta data

    Station name Water body Operator Location river kilometre
    A1 [cm] Water
    day before
    (6 o′clock)
    (6 o′clock)
    (6 o′clock)
    station data
    Sprey Spree LfULG - Sachsen 283,60 - 84 82 4,57
    Spreewitz Spree LfULG - Sachsen 268,20 300 177 175 6,32
    Spremberg Spree LfU Brandenburg 258,08 280 177 175 7,87
    Talsperre Spremberg, Beckenpegel Spree LfU Brandenburg 247,63 - 9210 9210 -
    Bräsinchen, Hauptabflusspegel Spree LfU Brandenburg 246,94 - 105 107 8,63
    Cottbus, Sandower Brücke Spree LfU Brandenburg 231,60 230 89 90 7,79
    Schmogrow, Spreewehr OP Spree LfU Brandenburg 210,66 - 1047 1049 -
    Schmogrow, Spreewehr UP Spree LfU Brandenburg 210,55 - 982 983 -
    Lübben, Zusammenfluss Spree LfU Brandenburg 178,00 370 312 312 11,2
    Leibsch, Spreewehr UP Spree LfU Brandenburg 161,76 410 332 329 9,12
    Goyatz 1 Spree LfU Brandenburg 131,50 190 158 159 -
    Beeskow, Spreeschleuse UP Spree LfU Brandenburg 120,50 340 218 216 11,9
    Neubrück, Schleuse OP Spree LfU Brandenburg 106,84 - 246 246 -
    Kersdorf UP Oder-Spree-Kanal WSA Spree-Havel 89,66* 270 218 220 -
    Große Tränke Wehr UP Spree WSA Spree-Havel 44,91* 230 127 134 -
    Alt Mönchwinkel 2 Spree LfU Brandenburg 64,66 - 114 122 -
    Hohenbinde Spree LfU Brandenburg 50,00 - 62 62 10,3
    Sophienwerder Spree Senat Berlin 0,60 - 143 142 24,1
    Merzdorf 1 Hammergraben LfU Brandenburg 21,12 - 34 40 3,23
    Burg, Friedhofswehr UP Südumfluter LfU Brandenburg 14,98 - 805 806 -
    Treppendorf Berste LfU Brandenburg 3,60 200 148 155 1,14
    Prierow 2 Dahme LfU Brandenburg 75,20 110 69 69 0,384
    Märkisch Buchholz 2 Dahme LfU Brandenburg 53,92 - 44 - -
    Märkisch Buchholz 1 OP Dahme-Umflut-Kanal LfU Brandenburg 0,33 - 740 739 1,67
    Rangsdorf, Wehr OP Zülowkanal LfU Brandenburg 11,58 - 103 100 -
    Prieros, Schleuse OP Dahme LfU Brandenburg 38,90 - 270 270 -
    Prieros, Schleuse UP Dahme LfU Brandenburg 38,87 - 163 162 -
    Neue Mühle Schleuse UP Dahme WSA Spree-Havel 9,40* 140 122 124 -
    Schmöckwitz, US Dahme Senat Berlin 11,20 - 39 40 11,3
    Teupitz 2 Teupitzer Gewässer LfU Brandenburg 17,30 - 166 166 -
    Mittenwalde, Verteilerwehr OP Zülowkanal LfU Brandenburg 4,70 - 168 168 -
  • Water levels, last 6 days

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    Hydrological measurements are raw data. All times are given in CET. These may contain measurement errors or be completely absent in the event of technical failures. Flood warning levels are highlighted in different colours. They are normally green. If alarm levels are exceeded, they are colored in yellow, orange, red or violet depending on the alarm level. With the help of favorites, an individual selection of gauges can be displayed in the tables and the map of the river area. The forecast data are modeled values that represent an estimate of the future possible situation. Please note the disclaimer and terms of service.

    Station name Water body A1 Water level [cm] of the last 6 days and 2 day ahead forecasts
    Time of reported values 6:00 MEZ
    station data
    [cm] 18.04 19.04 20.04 21.04 22.04 23.04 24.04 25.04 26.04  
    Sprey Spree - 82 87 89 97 92 84 82 - -
    Spreewitz Spree 300 174 177 179 184 182 177 175 180-170 185-195
    Spremberg Spree 280 177 179 180 183 181 177 175 - -
    Talsperre Spremberg, Beckenpegel Spree - 9199 9200 9202 9205 9208 9210 9210 - -
    Bräsinchen, Hauptabflusspegel Spree - 105 105 105 105 105 105 107 - -
    Cottbus, Sandower Brücke Spree 230 89 89 89 89 89 89 90 - -
    Schmogrow, Spreewehr OP Spree - 1048 1049 1051 1048 1048 1047 1049 - -
    Schmogrow, Spreewehr UP Spree - 982 983 984 983 982 982 983 - -
    Lübben, Zusammenfluss Spree 370 312 313 313 313 312 312 312 - -
    Leibsch, Spreewehr UP Spree 410 326 324 326 329 331 332 329 - -
    Goyatz 1 Spree 190 158 158 159 158 158 158 159 - -
    Beeskow, Spreeschleuse UP Spree 340 217 215 217 215 214 218 216 - -
    Neubrück, Schleuse OP Spree - 242 242 243 243 242 246 246 - -
    Kersdorf UP Oder-Spree-Kanal 270 218 216 218 217 215 218 220 - -
    Große Tränke Wehr UP Spree 230 143 134 144 146 141 127 134 - -
    Alt Mönchwinkel 2 Spree - 132 125 131 134 131 114 122 - -
    Hohenbinde Spree - 71 68 70 71 70 62 62 - -
    Sophienwerder Spree - 142 143 144 145 145 143 142 - -
    Merzdorf 1 Hammergraben - 35 39 34 34 35 34 40 - -
    Burg, Friedhofswehr UP Südumfluter - 806 806 807 807 806 805 806 - -
    Treppendorf Berste 200 146 145 149 151 149 148 155 - -
    Prierow 2 Dahme 110 67 66 69 73 70 69 69 - -
    Märkisch Buchholz 2 Dahme - 42 41 42 43 45 44 - - -
    Märkisch Buchholz 1 OP Dahme-Umflut-Kanal - 739 739 738 742 740 740 739 - -
    Rangsdorf, Wehr OP Zülowkanal - 104 103 103 103 103 103 100 - -
    Prieros, Schleuse OP Dahme - 268 269 270 272 271 270 270 - -
    Prieros, Schleuse UP Dahme - 161 161 162 162 162 163 162 - -
    Neue Mühle Schleuse UP Dahme 140 126 125 130 125 122 122 124 - -
    Schmöckwitz, US Dahme - 43 42 45 41 39 39 40 - -
    Teupitz 2 Teupitzer Gewässer - 164 164 165 166 166 166 166 - -
    Mittenwalde, Verteilerwehr OP Zülowkanal - 151 165 169 169 168 168 168 - -
  • River runoff, last 6 days

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    Hydrological measurements are raw data. All times are given in CET. These may contain measurement errors or be completely absent in the event of technical failures. Flood warning levels are highlighted in different colours. They are normally green. If alarm levels are exceeded, they are colored in yellow, orange, red or violet depending on the alarm level. With the help of favorites, an individual selection of gauges can be displayed in the tables and the map of the river area. The forecast data are modeled values that represent an estimate of the future possible situation. Please note the disclaimer and terms of service.

    Station name Water body River runoff [m3/s] of the last 6 days and 2 day ahead forecasts
    Time of reported values 6:00 MEZ
    station data
    Sprey Spree 4,57 5,25 5,54 6,76 5,98 4,84 4,57 - -
    Spreewitz Spree 6,10 6,76 7,20 8,36 7,89 6,76 6,32 8-4 8-12
    Spremberg Spree 8,29 8,72 8,95 9,64 9,17 8,29 7,87 - -
    Bräsinchen, Hauptabflusspegel Spree 7,90 7,90 7,90 7,90 7,90 7,90 8,63 - -
    Cottbus, Sandower Brücke Spree 7,38 7,38 7,38 7,38 7,38 7,38 7,79 - -
    Lübben, Zusammenfluss Spree 11,5 11,4 12,8 12,7 12,4 12,1 11,2 - -
    Leibsch, Spreewehr UP Spree 9,98 9,41 9,98 10,6 10,3 9,98 9,12 - -
    Beeskow, Spreeschleuse UP Spree 12,9 13,6 12,9 12,9 12,9 13,6 11,9 - -
    Hohenbinde Spree 13,0 12,1 12,7 13,0 12,7 10,3 10,3 - -
    Sophienwerder Spree 26,9 26,0 22,1 34,3 32,4 29,0 24,1 - -
    Merzdorf 1 Hammergraben 2,85 2,90 2,86 2,81 2,84 2,76 3,23 - -
    Treppendorf Berste 0,871 0,716 0,933 1,03 0,933 0,874 1,14 - -
    Prierow 2 Dahme 0,355 0,341 0,384 0,445 0,399 0,384 0,384 - -
    Märkisch Buchholz 2 Dahme 0,737 0,689 0,737 0,787 0,895 0,840 - - -
    Märkisch Buchholz 1 OP Dahme-Umflut-Kanal 2,32 1,51 1,78 2,22 2,08 1,80 1,67 - -
    Schmöckwitz, US Dahme 11,6 8,54 0,684 11,2 12,0 8,12 11,3 - -
  • Map

    The map shows the river basins including the flood reporting level of the state of Brandenburg. For more information other topics can be activated or the interactive options on the map can be used. Normally, the flood warning level is green and river sections are blue. That means there is no flood. If a river basin is marked yellow, there is a warning or information. The affected flood warning gauges are coloured yellow, orange, red or purple when the alert level guideline values are exceeded. River sections are then coloured if alert levels have been declared.