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Altlewin, Wehr OP / Brückseegraben

  • Water level

    Current water level

    water levels (W in cm) every two hours (in CET), source: LfU Brandenburg

    00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00
    26.04.2024134 135 134 134 134 134 133 134 - - - -
    25.04.2024135 136 136 137 138 137 137 138 137 136 137 135
    24.04.2024134 134 134 134 134 133 134 134 132 133 133 133
    23.04.2024135 134 134 135 134 134 134 133 132 133 132 133
    22.04.2024134 135 136 136 135 136 136 134 134 134 134 134
    21.04.2024131 132 133 133 135 135 134 134 135 134 133 135
    20.04.2024132 133 133 132 133 132 132 132 131 130 131 131
    19.04.2024131 132 132 132 133 132 132 133 133 132 133 133
  • Meta data

    Meta data

    station ID: 6947008
    Station name: Altlewin, Wehr OP
    Operator: LfU Brandenburg
    Water body: Brückseegraben
    River section: Neubarnimer Stadtgraben
    Location river kilometre: 0,03 km
    oberhalb der Mündung
    Area: 42,77 km²
    X-Value, Y-Value (EPSG:25833): 450553, 5839424
    gauge zero: 2,232 m NHN
    status: Aktuell
  • Download Zeitreihen
    Hydrological measurements are raw data. All times are given in CET.
    It is possible that missing values occur. These are marked by '-777'.
    Please note the disclaimer and terms of service.

    temporal resolution: 15 minutes

    period of available data Download as csv description
    24 hours
    high-resolution water levels of the last 24 hours
    7 days
    high-resolution water levels of the last 7 days
    30 days high-resolution water levels of the last 30 days
  • Location map

    Location map