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River basin: Schwarze Elster und Pulsnitz

  • Flood reports

    Currently no flood warnings.

    Archive: Flood reports

  • Daily measurements

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    Hydrological measurements are raw data. All times are given in CET. These may contain measurement errors or be completely absent in the event of technical failures. Flood warning levels are highlighted in different colours. They are normally green. If alarm levels are exceeded, they are colored in yellow, orange, red or violet depending on the alarm level. With the help of favorites, an individual selection of gauges can be displayed in the tables and the map of the river area. Please note the disclaimer and terms of service.
    * Kilometers on the waterway, otherwise kilometers according to meta data

    Station name Water body Operator Location river kilometre
    A1 [cm] Water
    day before
    (6 o′clock)
    (6 o′clock)
    (6 o′clock)
    station data
    Trado 3 Schwarze Elster LfULG - Sachsen 149,30 130 47 47 0,587
    Neuwiese Schwarze Elster LfULG - Sachsen 124,20 190 100 97 1,71
    Kleinkoschen 3 Schwarze Elster LfU Brandenburg 114,16 - - - 0,826
    Biehlen 1 Schwarze Elster LfU Brandenburg 103,42 240 46 46 1,66
    Lauchhammer Schwarze Elster LfU Brandenburg 87,85 - 94 93 3,59
    Bad Liebenwerda Schwarze Elster LfU Brandenburg 59,90 230 80 79 13,1
    Herzberg Schwarze Elster LfU Brandenburg 36,64 210 100 99 14,5
    Löben Schwarze Elster LHW Sachsen-Anhalt 21,60 - 94 - -
    Zescha Hoyerswerdaer Schwarzwasser LfULG - Sachsen 20,00 130 58 56 0,900
    Niemtsch, Auslaufbauwerk OP, BP3 Ableiter Senftenberger See LfU Brandenburg - - 9884 9884 -
    Plessa 2 Hammergraben Lauchhammer LfU Brandenburg 0,55 - 204 - -
    Reichenau 1 Pulsnitz LfULG - Sachsen 55,60 150 41 40 0,660
    Ortrand Pulsnitz LfU Brandenburg 20,76 120 66 65 1,35
    Lindenau Pulsnitz LfU Brandenburg 15,62 - 100 - -
    Großdittmannsdorf Große Röder LfULG - Sachsen 61,40 170 72 70 -
    Kleinraschütz Große Röder LfULG - Sachsen 30,00 180 71 68 4,03
    Stolzenhain 1 Große Röder LfU Brandenburg 4,67 - 71 - -
    Stolzenhain 2 Geißlitz LfU Brandenburg 3,34 - 61 59 1,67
    Kröbeln Kleine Röder LfU Brandenburg 8,72 - 65 65 0,471
    Lindena 2 Schacke LfU Brandenburg 1,09 - 43 42 0,273
    Schönewalde Schweinitzer Fließ LfU Brandenburg 18,90 - 98 - -
    Schönau Klosterwasser LfULG - Sachsen - - 20 20 0,352
  • Water levels, last 6 days

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    Hydrological measurements are raw data. All times are given in CET. These may contain measurement errors or be completely absent in the event of technical failures. Flood warning levels are highlighted in different colours. They are normally green. If alarm levels are exceeded, they are colored in yellow, orange, red or violet depending on the alarm level. With the help of favorites, an individual selection of gauges can be displayed in the tables and the map of the river area. The forecast data are modeled values that represent an estimate of the future possible situation. Please note the disclaimer and terms of service.

    Station name Water body A1 Water level [cm] of the last 6 days and 2 day ahead forecasts
    Time of reported values 6:00 MEZ
    station data
    [cm] 16.01 17.01 18.01 19.01 20.01 21.01 22.01 23.01 24.01  
    Trado 3 Schwarze Elster 130 60 54 51 50 49 47 47 - -
    Neuwiese Schwarze Elster 190 121 120 112 107 104 100 97 95-105 -
    Kleinkoschen 3 Schwarze Elster - - - - - - - - - -
    Biehlen 1 Schwarze Elster 240 109 116 70 47 47 46 46 - -
    Lauchhammer Schwarze Elster - 135 147 126 103 96 94 93 - -
    Bad Liebenwerda Schwarze Elster 230 94 105 103 92 84 80 79 - -
    Herzberg Schwarze Elster 210 112 119 120 112 106 100 99 - -
    Löben Schwarze Elster 108 114 117 109 101 94 - - -
    Zescha Hoyerswerdaer Schwarzwasser 130 73 67 63 60 59 58 56 - -
    Niemtsch, Auslaufbauwerk OP, BP3 Ableiter Senftenberger See - 9882 9882 9882 9883 9883 9884 9884 - -
    Plessa 2 Hammergraben Lauchhammer - 220 226 221 212 206 204 - - -
    Reichenau 1 Pulsnitz 150 58 49 46 44 42 41 40 - -
    Ortrand Pulsnitz 120 69 75 71 68 67 66 65 - -
    Lindenau Pulsnitz - 105 116 108 104 101 100 - - -
    Großdittmannsdorf Große Röder 170 100 91 82 77 75 72 70 - -
    Kleinraschütz Große Röder 180 89 96 86 79 75 71 68 75-65 -
    Stolzenhain 1 Große Röder - 73 72 72 71 71 71 - - -
    Stolzenhain 2 Geißlitz - 67 76 70 65 63 61 59 - -
    Kröbeln Kleine Röder - 66 66 65 66 66 65 65 - -
    Lindena 2 Schacke - 48 46 45 44 44 43 42 - -
    Schönewalde Schweinitzer Fließ - 116 111 104 101 100 98 - - -
    Schönau Klosterwasser - 28 25 23 22 21 20 20 - -
  • River runoff, last 6 days

    Show only favorites Show all gauging stations

    Hydrological measurements are raw data. All times are given in CET. These may contain measurement errors or be completely absent in the event of technical failures. Flood warning levels are highlighted in different colours. They are normally green. If alarm levels are exceeded, they are colored in yellow, orange, red or violet depending on the alarm level. With the help of favorites, an individual selection of gauges can be displayed in the tables and the map of the river area. The forecast data are modeled values that represent an estimate of the future possible situation. Please note the disclaimer and terms of service.

    Station name Water body River runoff [m3/s] of the last 6 days and 2 day ahead forecasts
    Time of reported values 6:00 MEZ
    station data
    Trado 3 Schwarze Elster 1,10 0,842 0,727 0,691 0,655 0,587 0,587 - -
    Neuwiese Schwarze Elster 3,96 3,84 3,00 2,52 2,26 1,94 1,71 0-4 -
    Kleinkoschen 3 Schwarze Elster 3,16 3,54 0,826 0,725 0,725 0,826 0,826 - -
    Biehlen 1 Schwarze Elster 6,01 6,63 2,96 1,54 1,54 1,64 1,66 - -
    Lauchhammer Schwarze Elster 5,91 6,68 5,52 4,15 3,75 3,64 3,59 - -
    Bad Liebenwerda Schwarze Elster 16,7 19,6 19,1 16,2 14,3 13,3 13,1 - -
    Herzberg Schwarze Elster 17,2 18,8 19,3 17,4 16,1 14,8 14,5 - -
    Zescha Hoyerswerdaer Schwarzwasser 2,16 1,62 1,32 1,13 1,07 1,01 0,900 - -
    Plessa 2 Hammergraben Lauchhammer 1,11 1,16 1,12 1,05 1,00 1,01 - - -
    Reichenau 1 Pulsnitz 1,69 1,09 0,932 0,834 0,744 0,701 0,660 - -
    Ortrand Pulsnitz 1,68 2,01 1,79 1,63 1,53 1,44 1,35 - -
    Lindenau Pulsnitz 0,902 1,14 0,964 0,882 0,822 0,803 - - -
    Kleinraschütz Große Röder 6,71 7,61 6,34 5,49 5,03 4,35 4,03 6-2 -
    Stolzenhain 1 Große Röder 1,35 1,33 1,33 1,31 1,31 1,31 - - -
    Stolzenhain 2 Geißlitz 2,13 2,69 2,31 2,01 1,90 1,78 1,67 - -
    Kröbeln Kleine Röder 0,492 0,492 0,471 0,492 0,492 0,471 0,471 - -
    Lindena 2 Schacke 0,340 0,317 0,306 0,295 0,295 0,284 0,273 - -
    Schönewalde Schweinitzer Fließ 1,25 1,14 1,00 0,947 0,929 0,893 - - -
    Schönau Klosterwasser 0,669 0,538 0,459 0,422 0,386 0,352 0,352 - -
  • Map

    The map shows the river basins including the flood reporting level of the state of Brandenburg. For more information other topics can be activated or the interactive options on the map can be used. Normally, the flood warning level is green and river sections are blue. That means there is no flood. If a river basin is marked yellow, there is a warning or information. The affected flood warning gauges are coloured yellow, orange, red or purple when the alert level guideline values are exceeded. River sections are then coloured if alert levels have been declared.