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River basin: Ucker

  • Daily measurements

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    Hydrological measurements are raw data. All times are given in CET. These may contain measurement errors or be completely absent in the event of technical failures. Flood warning levels are highlighted in different colours. They are normally green. If alarm levels are exceeded, they are colored in yellow, orange, red or violet depending on the alarm level. With the help of favorites, an individual selection of gauges can be displayed in the tables and the map of the river area. Please note the disclaimer and terms of service.
    * Kilometers on the waterway, otherwise kilometers according to meta data

    Station name Water body Operator Location river kilometre
    A1 [cm] Water
    day before
    (6 o′clock)
    (6 o′clock)
    (6 o′clock)
    station data
    Suckow Stierngraben LfU Brandenburg 0,31 - 66 65 -
    Prenzlau, Wehr OP Ucker LfU Brandenburg 63,42 - 91 - -
    Prenzlau, Wehr UP Ucker LfU Brandenburg 63,30 - 23 - -
    Funkenhagen Strom LfU Brandenburg 37,04 - 9 9 -
    Boitzenburg Strom LfU Brandenburg 29,36 - 157 154 -
    Boitzenburg, Wehr Küchenteich OP Strom LfU Brandenburg 26,13 - 84 - -
    Boitzenburg, Wehr Küchenteich UP Strom LfU Brandenburg 26,13 - 36 - -
    Gollmitz Strom LfU Brandenburg 9,00 - - - -
    Mühlhof Strom LfU Brandenburg 0,32 - 56 56 0,851
    Falkenhagen Quillow LfU Brandenburg 11,90 - 37 36 -
    Prenzlau, Neubg. Str. Quillow LfU Brandenburg 1,40 - 66 66 0,828
    Göritz Dauergraben LfU Brandenburg 2,64 - - - -
    Fürstenwerder Köhntop LfU Brandenburg 35,97 - 71 71 -
    Hildebrandshagen Köhntop LfU Brandenburg 32,38 - 97 97 -
    Wolfshagen Köhntop LfU Brandenburg 26,93 - 61 - -
    Trebenow, oh Straßenbrücke Köhntop LfU Brandenburg 4,71 - 43 43 -
    Wilsickow Strasburger Mühlbach LfU Brandenburg 9,37 - 28 29 -
  • Water levels, last 6 days

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    Hydrological measurements are raw data. All times are given in CET. These may contain measurement errors or be completely absent in the event of technical failures. Flood warning levels are highlighted in different colours. They are normally green. If alarm levels are exceeded, they are colored in yellow, orange, red or violet depending on the alarm level. With the help of favorites, an individual selection of gauges can be displayed in the tables and the map of the river area. The forecast data are modeled values that represent an estimate of the future possible situation. Please note the disclaimer and terms of service.

    Station name Water body A1 Water level [cm] of the last 6 days and 2 day ahead forecasts
    Time of reported values 6:00 MEZ
    station data
    [cm] 16.01 17.01 18.01 19.01 20.01 21.01 22.01 23.01 24.01  
    Suckow Stierngraben - 66 66 65 65 64 66 65 - -
    Prenzlau, Wehr OP Ucker - 89 90 90 90 91 91 - - -
    Prenzlau, Wehr UP Ucker - 23 23 23 23 23 23 - - -
    Funkenhagen Strom - 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 - -
    Boitzenburg Strom - 175 172 169 166 166 157 154 - -
    Boitzenburg, Wehr Küchenteich OP Strom - 80 81 82 82 83 84 - - -
    Boitzenburg, Wehr Küchenteich UP Strom - 36 37 39 35 35 36 - - -
    Gollmitz Strom - 36 35 35 36 35 - - - -
    Mühlhof Strom - 57 57 56 56 56 56 56 - -
    Falkenhagen Quillow - 39 38 38 37 37 37 36 - -
    Prenzlau, Neubg. Str. Quillow - 69 68 67 67 67 66 66 - -
    Göritz Dauergraben - - - - - - - - - -
    Fürstenwerder Köhntop - 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 - -
    Hildebrandshagen Köhntop - 96 96 97 97 97 97 97 - -
    Wolfshagen Köhntop - 56 59 59 61 61 61 - - -
    Trebenow, oh Straßenbrücke Köhntop - 43 43 42 42 42 43 43 - -
    Wilsickow Strasburger Mühlbach - 29 29 30 29 29 28 29 - -
  • River runoff, last 6 days

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    Hydrological measurements are raw data. All times are given in CET. These may contain measurement errors or be completely absent in the event of technical failures. Flood warning levels are highlighted in different colours. They are normally green. If alarm levels are exceeded, they are colored in yellow, orange, red or violet depending on the alarm level. With the help of favorites, an individual selection of gauges can be displayed in the tables and the map of the river area. The forecast data are modeled values that represent an estimate of the future possible situation. Please note the disclaimer and terms of service.

    Station name Water body River runoff [m3/s] of the last 6 days and 2 day ahead forecasts
    Time of reported values 6:00 MEZ
    station data
    Prenzlau, Wehr UP Ucker 0,159 0,157 0,193 0,199 0,191 0,231 - - -
    Gollmitz Strom 0,592 0,569 0,554 0,586 0,531 - - - -
    Mühlhof Strom 0,986 0,925 0,910 0,877 0,859 0,846 0,851 - -
    Prenzlau, Neubg. Str. Quillow 0,967 0,918 0,872 0,872 0,872 0,828 0,828 - -
  • Map

    The map shows the river basins including the flood reporting level of the state of Brandenburg. For more information other topics can be activated or the interactive options on the map can be used. Normally, the flood warning level is green and river sections are blue. That means there is no flood. If a river basin is marked yellow, there is a warning or information. The affected flood warning gauges are coloured yellow, orange, red or purple when the alert level guideline values are exceeded. River sections are then coloured if alert levels have been declared.